Don't Be A Mouth Breather
This is something I learned years ago.
And surprisingly, not many people are aware of it.
But please, please, don't be a mouth breather.
Not only is it an unflattering look, mouth breathing is secretly responsible for a lot of conditions you wouldn't think of at first.
You see, our nose processes air differently than our mouths.
When you breathe through your nose, it helps control the temperature and humidity of the air, and it filters toxins. When you breathe through your mouth, you get none of those things.
1) You Get Less Oxygen
This may seem counter-intuitive for some, but when you breathe through your mouth, you're typically getting less oxygen overall. Yes, mouth breathing will help you get more oxygen during intense physical exercise or when you have nasal congestion.
But overall, mouth breathing yields less oxygen because it's typically "chest breathing," and you need to be breathing DEEP into your LOWER ABDOMEN.
You'll know if you're chest breathing if you watch yourself in the mirror (especially when inhaling and bracing for a back squat).
Does your chest, shoulders, clavicle, or the barbell rise when you breathe in? If so, you're chest breathing.
Try to breathe in through your nose, deep into your belly. Your body is able to utilize more oxygen this way.
2) Structural Changes In The Face
Lifelong mouth breathers will typically have a weak, recessed chin, a narrow face, smaller airways, and less defined features on the cheekbones.
You may see droopy eyes, or dark circles underneath them. This isn't a "vibrant" look by any means.
This falls into the category of "having a weak jaw."
When you keep your mouth closed, breathe through your nose, and eat PLENTY OF FATTY MEAT... you will develop a proper jawline through the actual USE of your jaw, not simply letting it hang loose.
3) Brain Fog & Poor Performance
This is a direct result of the poor oxygenation I mentioned earlier.
Breathing through your nose & sinuses helps to properly oxygenate the brain and body.
When you continually breathe through your mouth, you end up shortchanging your oxygen levels over time, especially if you're overweight. Additional weight makes it harder to breathe deep into your abdomen and promotes further chest breathing.
4) Dry Mouth & Teeth Problems
Mouth breathing causes dry mouth, and a dry mouth cannot effectively clean itself with saliva.
This can lead to bad breath, gingivitis, and cavities.
Keep your mouth shut and solve the problems.
5) Disrupted Sleep & Chronic Anxiety
When you put everything together, you also get disrupted sleep... especially if you're the type of person to half-swallow your tongue in the middle of the night and startle yourself awake.
When you combine poor oxygenation with the inability to get proper rest, you get chronic anxiety and stress.
Mouth breathing opens up Pandora's Box of Chronic Conditions, so it's best to simply breathe through your nose.
I do think it's funny we literally have to teach people how to breathe in modern times... But here's how to do it.
If your nose is congested, you need to clear your sinuses. If you have a chronically congested nose, you need to figure out why... and your diet or extreme lack of using your nasal airways may be prime culprits.
When keeping your mouth closed, try not to clench your jaw. Don't develop tension in your face or jaw, just keep your mouth closed. It also helps if you lightly press your tongue against your palate.
Breathe through your nose, and down into your lower belly, feeling your abdomen expand. Slowly release the breathe back through your nose. Try to keep your breathing slow & rhythmic.
It's simple, but it can seem damn near impossible if your sinuses are congested... so if they are, address that first.
Start paying attention to how you breathe, and let me know if you're having trouble consistently breathing through your nose.
Even simple things like this can have big consequences down the line.
Catch you soon,
Nick Hagood
Spartan Training & Coaching
P.S. Thanksgiving is tomorrow... Make sure you have a plan.