Here are some of the popular questions I receive. If you have questions, check here first. If you don't find an answer to your question, please feel free to contact us.
How long have you been a personal trainer?
I've been a certified personal trainer since January of 2016.
I've been training in some capacity since 2014, mostly friends or other students in group classes.
What are your fitness goals?
#1 — To be strong, healthy, and capable of self-defense.
#2 — To look good naked. Duh.
#3 — To maintain momentum and consistency of action in my daily life.
How do you stay motivated?
By making training a part of my lifestyle.
In the past, I didn’t really enjoy going to the gym. Then I realized I needed to make a change.
Once I began following a routine, my overall sense of well-being and confidence improved.
My body felt better. My neck and back hurt less. My joints didn’t ache…
Getting into bodybuilding and intense physical training changed my life.
Now if I don’t go to the gym, it doesn’t feel right. My body begins to hurt again and my mental clarity slips away...
But as long as I follow a consistent routine, my life is much, much better.
It’s not easy in the beginning, but it’s entirely worth it in the end.
Change your lifestyle to change your life.
What supplements do you take?
These are covered under Spartan Select Supplements.
How do I download TrueCoach & MyFitnessPal?
You can download the TrueCoach app on Android or iOS, or access it directly through a web browser.
Please note, you will not be able to login until we manually add your account to the system.
You can do the same for MyFitnessPal. It also has versions for Android and iOS.
How should I get started?
This is how you set yourself up for success... better recovery... and better health...
In The Gym
- Lift weights at least 3 days per week (5 to 6 days is ideal).
- Foam roll, stretch, and warm-up for 5 to 10 minutes before training. Foam roll and stretch again after training for faster recovery and less muscle soreness over the next few days. I suggest grabbing a pair of loop bands to assist with corrective exercises.
- Drink plenty of water while training. Hydration is crucial for performance and helps with weight loss.
- Spend most of your time improving in the weight room, not on endless cardio. Get stronger, push the intensity, and push your limits. Perform your steady-state cardio AFTER lifting for better results.
- Low-intensity, steady-state cardio can be used to promote nutrient flow and recovery in the days following training. For example, biking the day after a heavy leg day.
- Fasted cardio can be used to speed up fat loss (source).
- I take BCAAs during training for faster recovery and less muscle soreness (source, source).
- I take beta alanine, creatine, and l-citrulline malate about 30 minutes to an hour before training for increased performance and a better pump (source, source, source).
- Every now and then when I want to push through some super intense training, I'll take a pre-workout that has a high dose of caffeine for energy and reduced perceived exertion, as well as some nitrates for an enhanced pump (source).
- I take yohimbine when I want to lose some of that "stubborn fat" around the lower belly and love handles (source).
In The Kitchen
- Using a food scale and tracking your macros lets you see exactly what you're putting in your body and why you're not seeing results.
- As a general rule, eat more protein and fat, and much less carbs. Our modern diet is comprised of way too many carbohydrates and this is what leads to so many people being overweight. And no, protein and fat are not bad for you (source).
- If you're bulking, consume 1.2 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass, per day.
- If you're cutting, get at least 1 gram per pound of lean body mass, per day.
- I use Machine Whey for my protein shakes and love the Peanut Butter Cookies & Cream flavor.
- You can calculate your lean body mass by multiplying your body weight and body fat percentage, then subtracting the result from your body weight. For example, a 200 lb individual who is 25% body fat would have a lean body mass of 150 lbs. I use this scale to track my numbers.
- Avoid fluoridated water and use a quality water filter. Fluoride is TERRIBLE for you, lowers IQ, and calcifies the pineal gland. I drink Pellegrino mineral water to help restore the minerals I lose during intense training and boxing. I credit this switch to getting rid of an extended period of muscle cramps during the middle of the night.
- Cook with butter, coconut oil, or olive oil. Avoid soy, vegetable oils, seed oils, milk, heating things in plastic containers, and overall exposure to plastics and other chemicals. Cooking with turmeric powder (and black pepper to increase bioavailability) can help with joint pain and inflammation.
- Store and heat food in glass containers, just don't heat the lids. Do not use any plastics that have been heated up at any time in the past, including bottles that have been in the sunlight or left in a hot vehicle.
- Get rid of your plastic coffee maker or Keurig. These things are poisoning you with plastics and xenoestrogens, and the pods are incredibly bad for the environment. I no longer use an automatic coffee maker that poisons me with plastics, and I use a French press instead. My coffee tastes so much better without these chemicals.
- Don't cook with non-stick cookware, since these are carcinogenic and release xenoestrogens as well. Cast iron or stainless steel is a much better choice.
- Try to eat as "clean" and organic as possible. That means grass fed beef and wild caught foods, just don't eat your vegetables raw. Fermented vegetables are always a good option. If you're tight on a budget, you can afford to skip most organic items, but absolutely DO NOT get non-organic coffee or ground vegetables. Non-organic coffee contains a high amount of xenoestrogens, and non-organic ground vegetables absorb chemicals and pesticides through the dirt. For these, always go organic or don't buy them at all!
In The Home & Office
- Avoid sitting or looking down at your devices for long periods of time. This is terrible for your neck and back. Get up to walk around and stretch for a few minutes every hour.
- Sleep in a cool, dark room, with no electronic lights visible from devices. I use blackout curtains and have never slept better. Try to go to bed around the same time every night, and keep a glass of water next to the bed to stay hydrated throughout the night if you wake up. We lose a lot of water through respiration in our sleep.
- A fan, white noise device, or ambient music will drown out noise during the night and help you fall asleep faster.
- Turn off wifi, bluetooth, and notifications on your phone before bed, and if you don't have to be available for emergencies during the night, put it on airplane mode. Constant exposure to wireless signals isn't good, and this is one of the reasons why getting out in nature makes you feel so good.
- Watch out for xenoestrogens and other chemicals in the bathroom. Absolutely DO NOT use toothpaste that contains fluoride. Switching to fluoride-free toothpaste was one of the best choices I've made. I also use a PEVA shower curtain to avoid exposure to xenoestrogens in the shower. I recommend a filter for your shower head too. I also use African black soap to avoid these chemicals.
- Install blue light filters on all of your devices, and do not expose yourself to sources of blue light after dark. Let your hormones stay in sync with the sun. I take Vitamin D since Seattle is known for its lack of quality sunlight during most of the year.
- Reduce your overall caffeine intake for better quality sleep, especially any caffeine in the afternoon or evening. It's best to use caffeine only once or twice per week (or even less), which sucks if you're a coffee lover like me.
This is the stuff that I do... and it gives me the physique & health that I've got.