How To Build A Routine

How To Build A Routine

After my car accident a few years ago, I wasn't able to train the way I used to...

At least at first.

Now I'm back better than before.

And the way I got here is by fully recovering, then building out my own routine, step by step.

Take everything one day at a time.

Initially, the goal was to simply make it to the gym.

If I only did 3 sets of 3 exercises and then left, cool.

If I did more, cool.

After a while, I started to up the volume and began to include more exercises.

Once a solid routine was built out, I focused on movement proficiency for several months. Simply performing reps with strict control and not trying to go up in weight. ONLY focusing on making each rep FEEL better than the last.

More activation, more mind-muscle connection.

Once I had a stable base to operate from, that's when I began to increase the volume again, by adding more working sets.

And THEN I finally began to focus on progressive overload in the traditional sense. "Adding more weight to the lift."

But by then, everything was functioning in a groove. I didn't try to go from 0 to 100 in one day. I didn't try to "pick up where I left off" with training. That would have been a tactical error.

I took the time to rebuild my foundation.

And now everything is better than before.

Along the way, I tested a few lifts at heavier weights and immediately realized my body wasn't ready for them. Things got tight quickly and recovery was slow. So I backed off each time in order to take five steps forward in the future.

Coming back from a setback teaches you a lot.

And this has only reinforced my approach to building a program from scratch.

And here it is...

#1) Measure success by whether you trained or not. Nothing else... initially.

#2) Start slow. Pick 1-3 exercises and focus solely on them for several weeks or even months. Become highly proficient.

#3) Add more exercises. Pick 3-6 more exercises that round out each training day, hitting muscles you may have missed. Stay focused on movement quality.

#4) Add volume. Begin to add additional sets to each exercise of your routine, one at a time if necessary. Now is the time for increased work capacity.

#5) Progressive overload. Now it's time to start adding more and more weight to your lifts. Get strong after your foundation is solid.

The beauty of this method is being able to scale up or down as needed.

Listen to your body.

When you need an "easier day," just go through the motions and get something done. When you need a day off, wait a day. When you REALLY need a day off, two days in a row, take one.

This is the simplest way to stay consistent with your training & health.

You don't simply say, "Screw it," when things aren't going the way you want them to. You stay disciplined and follow the plan.

And the very root of that plan is "DO SOMETHING."

As long as you did something physical, you succeeded.

It doesn't have to be a full workout. But it has to be some kind of WORK.

I don't care if it's 10 pushups or 100 reps of whatever you want. It could be a walk around the block. It doesn't matter.

Just get something done.

In a year, you'll be amazed at the progress.

Talk soon,


Nick Hagood
Spartan Training & Coaching



P.S. The Spartan Fat Loss Guide is completely FREE & can help you jump-start your next cut. I recommend checking it out if you haven't already.

You can also use discount code "PUMPKIN PIE" for 10% off personal training for the month of November.


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